A. Hashing Table :
table adalah struktur data yang digunakan dalam penyimpanan atau menampung data
sementara dan memiliki tujuan untuk mempercepat pencarian kembali dari
banyak data yang disimpan.
Operasi-operasi yang ada dalam hashing table :
1. Insert.
2. Search.
3. Delete.
Distributed Hash Tables are distributed data structures supporting put() and get() primitives on key-value pairs. Most DHT implementations can locate an object in O(logn) network operations, where n is the number of nodes of the DHT, and provide a fault-tolerant way to access large amounts of data. The keyspace is the set of all possible keys. Each node stores a subset of key-value pairs among the keyspace. We say a node N is authority for the key k if it stores its data. Each node also gets assigned an identifier from the keyspace. The DHT defines a distance function between keys. Typically a node N is authority for keys close to its identifier according to that distance. In our study, we do not need the put() operation. The get(k) operation returns the value associated with a key k, performing a lookup in the network, to locate a node that is authority for k. For that purpose a suitable routing algorithm is used, with each node storing a routing table based on the distance among node identifiers.
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